SACRAMENTO – Today, the Assembly Republican Caucus attempted to bring Assembly Constitutional Amendment 12 (ACA 12) to the Floor for a vote that would bring the state one step closer towards holding fentanyl dealers accountable. After being held in the Assembly Rules committee and not given a committee hearing, Assembly Republicans motioned to hold a vote on the bill. The majority party voted against bringing ACA 12 to the floor for a debate and vote.

Holding fentanyl dealers accountable for the harm they cause is just common sense – it shouldn’t be a partisan issue,” said Assemblyman Juan Alanis (R-Modesto), who also joint-authored ACA 12. “We need to put politics aside and work together to fight fentanyl and save lives. Continued inaction on fentanyl is as outrageous as it is dangerous. This is unacceptable and Sacramento should be ashamed.”

The roll call on the motion to advance ACA 12 is available here.

Assemblymember Juan Alanis represents the 22nd Assembly District, which includes the communities of Modesto, Turlock, Ceres, Denair, Patterson, Gustine, Newman, Hilmar, Ballico, Snelling, Keyes, Grayson, Crows Landing, Diablo Grande, Stevinson, & Empire.