2023 Legislation
Assembly Bill 243: Address Confidentiality for Victims of Child Abduction: will expand current law to include victims of child abduction to the list of populations who are eligible for California’s Safe at Home address confidentiality program. Signed into law on October 10th, 2023.
Assembly Bill 255: Postsecondary Education: Priority Registration for First Responders: will require the California State University and California Community Colleges, as well as request the University of California to offer priority registration to first responders enrolled in a certificate program or in the process of obtaining their baccalaureate degree. Signed into law on October 10th, 2023.
Assembly Bill 335: Proposition 47 Study: AB 335 as amended will task the Little Hoover Commission to study the effects Proposition 47 has had on California with a major focus on retail theft. The commission would be required to report the study back to the State Legislature. (While not signed into law – The Little Hoover Commission agreed to undertake this study after Asm. Alanis gained a letter of support from a majority of members in both the State Senate and State Assembly on: July 7th, 2023)
Assembly Bill 355: Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training: Tactical Assault Rifles: Assembly Bill 355 corrects an oversight in current law by allowing peace officer cadets enrolled in basic training prescribed by the Commission on Peace Officers Standards and Training (POST), or other certified training, to use a tactical (assault) rifle while engaged in firearms training. Signed into law on September 26th, 2023.
Assembly Bill 1074: Horse Racing: will provide protections for California’s Horse Racing Industry and will help provide support to local Fair Grounds. Signed into law on September 30th, 2023.
Assembly Bill 1467: Navaeh Youth Sports Safety Act: will require youth sports programs to ensure that their athletes have access to life saving automated external defibrillator technology during practices and matches. Signed into law June 29th, 2023.