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Current Legislation

Assembly Bill 16: Ballot Counting Efficiency: Would require county elections officials to begin processing ballots earlier, allowing for shorter delays in results on Election Day. Current Status: Referred to Assembly Committee on Elections.  

Assembly Bill 17: Election Precinct Maps: Would further enhance public access to county election information by requiring the registrar of voters in each county to provide access to information as it pertains to the boundaries of each precinct within a county. Current StatusReferred to Assembly Committee on Elections.   

Assembly Bill 240: Community College Districts Study: Would require that Californians residing outside of community college districts are given equal access to higher education programs and opportunities, and requires the Little Hoover Commission to study current programs and opportunities provided to these students. Current Status: Referred to Assembly Committee on Higher Education.

Assembly Bill 277: Background Checks for Behavioral Technicians: Would require that all employees providing behavioral health treatment undergo a background check and are prohibited from employment if convicted of a crime involving minors. Current Status: Referred to Assembly Committee on Human Services and Assembly Committee on Public Safety.

Assembly Bill 310: Nevaeh’s Law: Would require all private youth sports organizations to have a written emergency response plan, to regularly test their AEDs, and for their coaches to be CPR and AED certified. Current Status: Referred to Assembly Committee on Arts, Entertainment, Sports, and Tourism.

Assembly Bill 312: Agricultural Theft Prevention: Would protect agricultural producers and minimize waste by reducing the retention period for sale proceeds of seized agricultural products. Current Status: Referred to Assembly Committee on Agriculture.

Assembly Bill 318: Streamlining Child Care Licensing: Would allow child daycare facilities to pay application fees and licensing fees via credit card and apply for licensure electronically by 2028. Current Status: Referred to Assembly Committee on Human Services.

Assembly Bill 387: Jury Duty Exemption for Probation Officers: Would exempt probation officers from being summoned for jury duty, just as law enforcement officers are exempt. Current Status: Referred to Assembly Committee on Judiciary.

Assembly Bill 430: Transparency in Water Curtailments: Would require the State Water Resources Control Board to study the impacts of emergency regulations upon a secondary renewal and to make the information publicly available on its website. Current Status: Referred to Assembly Committee on Water, Parks, and Wildlife.

Assembly Bill 528: Child Exploitation: In criminal cases related to child pornography, would require graphic evidence to remain in the custody of the court or government and prohibit unauthorized copies in order to prevent the re-victimization of children. Current Status: Referred to Assembly Committee on Public Safety.

Assembly Bill 603: Asset Forfeiture for Convicted Human Traffickers: Would allow 50% of a convicted trafficker’s assets to be appropriated to victims’ services and 50% of the assets to be appropriated for law enforcement efforts toward prevent human trafficking. Current Status: Referred to Assembly Committee on Public Safety.

Assembly Bill 767: Sexually Violent Predators: Would prohibit a sexually violent predator from being released within a quarter mile of a child daycare facility or school that has filed a private school affidavit. Current Status: Pending referral to a policy committee.

Assembly Bill 873: Dental Board Licensing Requirements: Will streamline training for prospective dental assistants to address workforce shortage in the dental care industry.  Current Status: Pending referral to a policy committee.

Assembly Bill 1174: Electric Vehicle Charging Cable Theft: Will expand access to current funding for programs aimed at upgrading and repairing broken and vandalized electric vehicle charging stations. Current Status: Pending referral to a policy committee.